Sunday 3 February 2013

In the beginning

Well, alright.  A blog.  It's my first time, and I was reluctant at first, so thanks for the encouragement everyone.

I'll explain why I called it "On the way" in a minute, but thanks first to Coleman who suggested "Rev Rob's God Blog."  At least his title gives you a clue as to what you're getting.  Kind of.

Here's the thing.   I preach on a Sunday morning without notes.  So on Monday, I start with the scripture passages for that week and over the next few days I read as much as I can and think about where I want to go with it.  By Wednesday, I'm planning the service.  By Friday I have in my head what I want to say and, with the Spirit's help, something meaningful might come out Sunday morning.  Somewhere in there, I've also figured out how to approach the theme with the children, too.

In the midst of all that, two weeks out of three, I write a column for the local newspapers.  That's due on Thursday afternoon.  So by the time I've got that done, I should be - wait for it - on the way.

So that column is really some ponderings on the way to a more fully formed expression on Sunday.  That's pretty much what you're getting here.  Sometimes it might be where I went in the end, sometimes I might have taken a left turn, or even a right turn.  Maybe.  The point is - and I remind people of this as often as possible - my goal is never to tell you how it is or what you should think, but to invite you to think about it.  Maybe you've got a thought, an idea or a question that needs more exploring.  Maybe you'd like to share it.

After all, I hope that's what we're doing here, exploring ... on the way.

1 comment:

  1. Why yes it is, that's exactly what we're all doing. Thank you Robin for being the explorer you are, never afraid to see what's out there to discover.
